I work for the Data and AI team at Accenture as an Associate Principal Data Scientist. We primarily work on machine-learning based solutions in finance and accounting with the goal of increasing working capital, decreasing costs, and optimizing processes. Previously. I was a Statistical Modeler at LexisNexis Risk Solutions building solutions for commercial, auto, and property insurance. My current interests revolve around machine learning, algorithms, computation, and data science. In my spare time, I'm either solving problems on ProjectEuler or working on a side project mining League of Legends match data from the Riot Games API and building predictive models for match outcomes. Current progress can be found on Github.com/BushAl01.
Previously, I was a Postdoc at Georgia State University working with Yi Zhao. I completed my Ph.D. in Mathematics at Georgia Tech studying additive combinatorics under the advisement of Ernie Croot. My dissertation was on sum-product inequalities and the structure of sumsets. Closely related fields that I am also interested in are extremal graph theory, combinatorial geometry, and number theory.
Academic CV
(Please email me for my professional resume)
Sums of Dilates. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 2016.
Few products, many h-fold sums. International Journal of Number Theory, 2015.
Order-preserving Freiman isomorphisms. INTEGERS, 2016.
Sets of rich lines in general position. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2015.
Minimum degree thresholds for bipartite graph tiling. Journal of Graph Theory, 2011.
Slides from Selected Talks:
Few products, many h-fold sums. New horizons in additive combinatorics, Montreal, 2014.
On the maximum number of rich lines in general position. Emory Combinatorics Seminar.
Indexed Energy. Georgia Tech Combinatorics Seminar.
I work for the Data and AI team at Accenture as an Associate Principal Data Scientist. We primarily work on machine-learning based solutions in finance and accounting with the goal of increasing working capital, decreasing costs, and optimizing processes. Previously. I was a Statistical Modeler at LexisNexis Risk Solutions building solutions for commercial, auto, and property insurance. My current interests revolve around machine learning, algorithms, computation, and data science. In my spare time, I'm either solving problems on ProjectEuler or working on a side project mining League of Legends match data from the Riot Games API and building predictive models for match outcomes. Current progress can be found on Github.com/BushAl01.
Previously, I was a Postdoc at Georgia State University working with Yi Zhao. I completed my Ph.D. in Mathematics at Georgia Tech studying additive combinatorics under the advisement of Ernie Croot. My dissertation was on sum-product inequalities and the structure of sumsets. Closely related fields that I am also interested in are extremal graph theory, combinatorial geometry, and number theory.
Academic CV
(Please email me for my professional resume)
Sums of Dilates. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 2016.
Few products, many h-fold sums. International Journal of Number Theory, 2015.
Order-preserving Freiman isomorphisms. INTEGERS, 2016.
Sets of rich lines in general position. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2015.
Minimum degree thresholds for bipartite graph tiling. Journal of Graph Theory, 2011.
Slides from Selected Talks:
Few products, many h-fold sums. New horizons in additive combinatorics, Montreal, 2014.
On the maximum number of rich lines in general position. Emory Combinatorics Seminar.
Indexed Energy. Georgia Tech Combinatorics Seminar.